Ordinals and Runes on BTC (BRC-20, SRC-20)
in progress
Please integrate NFT's on BTC
Ordinals and BRC-20 trades need to be added manually using NFT placeholders
Ivory Crow
Any update when final integration will complete
Ivory Crow
Can anyone please provide any timeline for full integration? It’s ridiculously difficult to perform it on our own
Cooperative Galliform
any eta?
High Weasel
Please complete the full integration. Its much needed at the moment
Ivory Crow
I have imported a wallet from Ordinals Wallet.
Only 1 leg of the txn is showing.
Ex- if i bought an ordinal, it should have a send btc and a deposit ordinal leg.
But only deposit ordinal leg is showing.
We have now released a new integration called "Bitcoin Ordinals and Runes".
You can add this integration and input your address(es) in order to import your BTC tokens and NFTs.
We are still working on improving this integration but your feedback would be much appreciated!
We are also hoping to be able to merge this integration with the existing Bitcoin integration, so that you won't need to create two separate wallets. There are some technical blockers to this but we should be able to do this in the near future
Compact Pike
The Ord wallet seems to sync fine. However, I think it would be better to combine the pmt address and the ord address as one wallet (you could even include an option for Stacks address too) - As it is right now we'll have to manually 'merge' the payment tx with the corresponding ord tx - instead of it being recognized automatically as being the same tx. - I don't think it matters much if we have to delete old btc wallets we've already synced and just create a new combined BtcPmt/Ord wallet and sync anew. - When Btc wallets are created on xverse/phantom/ME wallets, they come with a set of addresses (pmt/ord/stacks) not just the one.
If you need help making it 'perfect' you should contact Casey @rodarmor on X. He is the father of Ord. And I believe he'd be happy to help.
Ivory Crow
Petur Any update when final version will be released?
Late Squirrel
Petur Hi, I'm having trouble with merging ordinals purchases when theyve been bought in batches.
Say I've bought 5 ordinals (Deposit) of the same collection on magiceden. On koinly there will be 5 ordinals linking to one BTC payment (send). I need to combine all of them into one big sandwich but I get an error that they can't be merged.
Please can you look into this, Petur? Thanks in advance
Merged in a post:
Add support for the Runes Protocol on the Bitcoin network
BTC Layer 1 Runes protocol
Runes trades need to be added manually using NFT placeholders
in progress
Sorry everyone, this was marked prematurely.
The new integration is currently being tested and will be released any day now :)
Neon blue Raccoon
Don't tell me that the workaround you found after almost 2 years is to add them manually...you literally said it is in progress, just to mark it as complete with this thing ?
This post was marked as
Balanced Swordfish
Is there a link to an article about how this works? I searched the Support site but didn't see anything. I also imported some new ordinal transactions but I didn't notice anything different with the transactions.
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