Solana staking support
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Please add Solana staking rewards support!!
Salty Penguin
Heliotrope purple Llama
Sent/removed from pool could be a workable solution, but it's time consuming. Koinly should at least recognize that a staking tx is not a simple send by seeing the Program Owner = Stake Program.
If it would recognize the pool removal and deduce the reward amount based on the difference, that would be even better.
Teal Shrew
Sol and other staking is gonna be a must for this year.
Salty Penguin
Please add staking support! Solana is not a small project and is going to continue to grow so support for staking is important to users as you can see.
Comfortable Swordtail
So it seems laws vary between jurisdictions for when staking rewards are considered income (either by the epoch or upon withdrawing stake).
Worth mentioning that this has huge tax implications—particularly for long-term stakers:
e.g. staking for 3 years and withdrawing (in the current implementation) would equal zero income tax in years 1-2, and then 3 years of staking reward income in year 3 after unstaking.
I hope Koinly supports both systems soon.
Dramatic Peacock
Is still a thing ? as I couldn't see any tags for this.. as soon as I unstaked and sent/withdraw back to another wallet address MY COINS were showing as doubled the original staked amount but with a little more as coins now included the rewards now.. - Is there a simple way to mark these without editing the CSV before the import, giving a a massive thumping headache now :-0
Comfortable Swordtail
Dramatic Peacock This article will help:
Lavender Mammal
just put "sent to pool" you clowns
Glorious Panther
Lavender Mammal it’s the staking REWARDS that are not showing up
Comfortable Swordtail
Glorious Panther This article explains how to account for this:
Spicy Zebra
Hi Koinly community, do you have any idea when will this be included, I'm just worried for my tax report this year as I'm staking SOL and it does not show. So I hope next year this time I'd be able to do my taxes properly. Thank you so much.
Sincerely yours,
Distinguished Yak :)
Spicy Zebra
what the heck is (Distinguished Yak) :D
Occasional Ocelot
Spicy Zebra haha, all usernames are now feature 😁
Spicy Zebra
Please include that as well
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