Custom long-term holding period
To accomodate the tax regulations in my country, I want to be able to modify the "long-term" period breakdown. I.e. choose 2 years instead of the default 1.
I can break down capital gains based on a custom holding period if I:
- Download the "Capital gains" report
- Open it in Excel or Google Sheets
- Add an additional column "Days held" calculated using =DAYSBETWEEN()formula
- Add an additional column "Holding period" using =IF()formula
- Pivot the table based on "Holding period"
Garnet Clownfish
This feature missing makes koinly tax reports unusable in every country that has "long term" tax period other than 1 year. Please work on this
Sensitive Cardinal
czechia is now 3 years
Sticky Bear
Switzerland is 6 months for example
Azure Grasshopper
Choose 3 years for Long term instead of 1.