Experienced Swift
After spending hundreds of hours over the last four years editing, merging, and massaging my data (10,000+ txns), I am finally at a point where there are no discrepancies between calculated and reported wallet values. Nevertheless, there are still a, "Needs review," warning on the tax report screen. I'm told that this can be fixed by resetting gains via the Settings->Restart Gains function. I am reluctant to invoke this function with no way to undo it if something goes horribly wrong. We definitely need a way to save a snapshot of the entire transaction/wallet history and/or a way to Undo/Go Back. I believe I'd rather go to prison than have to redo all the work I've done over four years to clean up my files.
Willow Marlin
This would be handy for so many reasons:
1: As a back up so that if I mess the data up on the site, I can reimport my data back in easily again.
2: If I have a test CSV, I can experiment loading that in, and then load the real CSV back in again.
3: As a way of helping me understand the tagging system, so I can apply the tags to the new year's CSV. A lot of last year's return was edited and reconciled online, so there'll be tags put automatically into the CSV from your system which may be useful to see.
4: On the off chance Koinly ever goes offline, I'll still have my data.
5: And finally, closing the loop: Exporting and reimporting the entire tax data allows for consistency checks by making sure the data is the same as before, and so may help your team to spot minor bugs that might have slipped by.
Merged in a post:
CSV Backup of all transactions
Accepted Iguana
We still do not have the ability to create a backup of all transactions. Why is that? Anybody else working on an exit strategy?
Intelligent Elk
If you can help me understand, I also paid 1381 euros in commissions to transfer that amount to my account in Italy, thanks
Intelligent Elk
My account shows an amount sent by fscs as they told me from fscs is it true or have I been scammed
Tired Goldfish
Would be nice to have
Gossamer Crayfish
I agree - I asked for this ages ago and was told "we're working on it".. It really should be a priority
Marigold Vicuna
The backup already exists but it is of little use because it cannot be restored.
Accepted Iguana
Marigold Vicuna That's really what I was insinuating. We do not have the abilty to restore a "Backed up" account. Also, the backups should be by individual wallets. A "Complete" backup can lead to more tedious work in restoring an account.
Mantis Possum
Backup and restore (even with new/other wallets ... that is a current limit).
I know the team had plans for this implementation...
So... +1 for me!
Accepted Iguana
Mantis Possum I accidentally left out the "Restore" part, but yes I absolutely agree. This should be prioritized. Sad that we even have to ask. Should be a feature by default.
Novel Shrimp
This would be awesome if we could export everything we have save, adjusted or manually entered on Koinly. I have lots of manually txns so I feel this is an excellent idea.
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