Useful Coral
I would like to request integration with the Hyperliquid L1. https://x.com/hyperliquidx?s=21 Hyperliquid.xyz
We are reviewing the quality of Hyperliquid's CSVs to see if it's possible to add support for them. If you would like to help, please:
- Download ALL different CSV files you can find
- Note your current balances across spot and perps
- Share both with our support via our in-app chat. Please mention that you're sharing the files as requested in this post
For now, you need to modify the files yourself - see:
Compact Kingfisher
Hi. You can now buy BTC spot on Hyperliquid, which is wrapped by Hyperunit and has the ticker UBTC. The value should be pegged to that of BTC if possible.
Can support be added for this?
Linen Marsupial
Put this back to "in progress" please. Hyperliquid is known for their perp yet none of the txs are synced.
Tan Tuna
Not possible to change errornous token adress to a HL adress.
Right now a lot of the smallcaps are showing up as similar names in eth
Token $GPT on HL (dust)
is showing up as $GPT from eth? (high value)
Hi everyone,
This integration is now being marked as complete since the "invalid address" error has been resolved.
We are still looking into the remaining issues being reported, and will update about those once we have any update :)
Elderly Fish
It doesn't appear Koinly is accounting for staking correctly
-API does not see my staked balance of HYPE
-Staking rewards are shown as USDC, rather than HYPE
-Staking transactions (pool-in) are missing, it doesn't even show up as a transfer or send. The transaction is completely missing.
Informal Parrot
hey, just noticed Perp transactions are not indexed at all, is that correct?
Zesty Chickadee
I was wondering the same. Is it still coming?
Accurate Magpie
Zesty Chickadee seeing the same thing here. Only imported 9 tx's none from perps. this makes it pointless
Beige Hoverfly
Same for me perp transactions are not imported
Zesty Chickadee
Accurate Magpie Yes, especially TWAP orders. Impossible to manage manually.
Informal Parrot
Hi all,
very happy that hyperliquid has been added.
I have a couple of points:
- Importing the addresses has worked for me without a problem, I import only the EVM address starting with 0x.... and have removed the HL: "header".
- Vault transactions not being indexed correctly:
• Perp trades on vaults not showing up
• Deposits and withdrawals being inversed
• Deposit during creation not being indexed
- DCA transactions not being indexed on normal wallets
Let me know if you need some more Info to follow this up on!
Informal Parrot: Hello Lukas! Thank you for the detailed feedback! I'd like to investigate these issues more, could you please send an email to me at qa-testing@koinly.io with your Hyperliquid address so I can take a closer look?
in progress
Hey all,
We can see that a lot of users are getting the "Invalid address" error. It seems to be happening to about half of all users but we're not yet sure why.
I'll move the ticket back to 'In progress' while we investigate the issue
Zesty Chickadee
Petur It's resolved for me. Thanks.
Safe Dolphin
it says address invalid
Tan Tuna
Don' work
"Adress is invalid"
using eth-adr
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