Pulsechain Sync Date
Sensible Puma
All Pulsechain wallets need to stop syncing blocks earlier than May 10, 2023 at 10:36 PM UTC. This was the exact time that Pulsechain forked from Ethereum, every txn before this is actually an Ethereum txn, not a Pulsechain txn.
This is causing really annoying situations where we have to delete dozens and dozens of txns (which will increase our the amount we have to pay Koinly for tax support unfairly) when we sync a wallet, and if we choose "sync wallet from beginning" in order to troubleshoot.
This issue has now been fixed, so all transactions before the fork will be ignored.
You can either delete and recreate the wallet to remove these old transactions, or you could add a filter for them and bulk delete them
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Sanguine brown Ostrich
I’m missing a pretty big portion of my PLS after synching. I don’t have time to go through the explorer. Can Koinly please sort this asap? Otherwise I’m going with another provider.
Sensible Puma
Sanguine brown Ostrich: If it helps, you can use Bitquery to get all the token balances in a wallet and it's relatively simple and free. Just follow the query in picture and you should have all the balances.
You'll still have to add all the airdrop txns into Koinly manually though, but it does help make the process a lot easier by having all the data in one query.
Willow Scorpion
Sensible Puma Thank you for posting this! I just need my PLS starting balance but can't get that from Bitquery. I did some ratio trading on the bridge pre-fork and need my starting balance at launch. My only thought is to use the Pulsechain Explorer and see what my balance of PLS was. Does anyone else know of another way?
Willow Scorpion
I am having the same problem and am hoping this is resolved soon. I would like to be done with my crypto taxes. Please help us Koinly, you are our only hope! Please help us with this Pulsechain issue as soon as possible. Thank you!
Zephyr Amphibian
This is a great point. The PLS wallet import integration in Koinly is also not showing the correct number of PLS tokens.
Sensible Puma
Zephyr Amphibian: yeah unfortunately Koinly doesn't import the wallet balances at the time of the fork, but maybe it's in progress. It shouldn't affect the way the gains are calculated if you assumed the forked coins to have a cost basis of $0.
What I did to get the balances correct is I manually added everything for each wallet. If you go to etherscan and go Account Balance checker, you can see your balance of ETH and any ERC20 at a specific time. Block number is going to be 17232999
Zephyr Amphibian
Josiah Magnusson: Ya, it looks like we have to do it manually for now.
For your tip about how to see your ETH and other ERC20's at a specific time using the etherscan's Account Balance checker, it looks like it only shows your ETH balance at a specific time but not the other ERC20's. I checked this myself using both the block number 17232999 you gave and using the date option. I'm not sure if I have to click on something on the page to show the ERC20's but I didn't find any other options.
Lastly, regarding adding the airdrops manually, Koinly successfully imports the PLSX airdrop transaction through the API, recording the airdrop happened at May 11th 2023.
For PLS token airdrop however, there is no available chain data I could actually find of the exact date and time of the airdrop. It only shows the number of PLS tokens airdropped in the wallet. I also checked using the PulseChain explorer but it only shows the number of PLS token airdropped.
Therefore, I'm thinking about using the date of the offical Pulsechain release announced from Richard's tweet on May 13, 2023 - 12:28 AM. If anyone has more information about what date and time to use for the PLS token airdrop it would be much appreciated.
Sensible Puma
Zephyr Amphibian: I'd be happy to give you more information on it. The Pulsechain documentation in their Gitlab (gitlab (dot) com/pulsechaincom/pulsechain-mainnet) states the last block that includes Ethereum's state is 17,232,999. If you put that block number in etherscan, it will show that block was finalized at May-10-2023 10:36:11 PM +UTC. It's really up to you how you want to do the bookkeeping. I'm personally using the fork time, but you could justify the announcement time by saying something like "that's the time we had access to the coins" or whatever.
The PLSX shows up with no problem because the PLSX contract address and tokens were created after the fork and so was viewed by Koinly's API as a regular transaction. Same with the PLS sacrifice set, it happened after the fork. The FORKED ETH and tokens that was already in the wallet, on the other hand, isn't automatically imported.
The tokens balances can be found in the same tool mentioned earlier, but in the "Choose and option" dropdown box, you have to select "Token (ERC20)", and then you have to copy and paste the ERC20 contract address for each token one at a time. Could take a significant amount of time to be honest. Or you could format a GraphQL query through Bitquery get them all in one shot. If I can figure out how to format it I'll let you know.
Sensible Puma
Zephyr Amphibian: So I figured out what the query is going to look like, it's actually incredibly simple and easy when you use their IDE. The picture is an example using one of God Whale's wallets. It'll give all the token balances for the specific wallet at that specific block height. And it's an very inexpensive query, only cost 4.42 points which is doable even with a free account.
You'll still have to manually add all the tokens though. Good luck.
Zephyr Amphibian
Sensible Puma Thanks for the additional info. As an update, It looks like Koinly removed all irrelevant transactions before the fork date but it's still not reporting the correct PLS value in the Koinly wallet. It also has incorrect values for some of the forked coins from ethereum. Hopefully this will all be corrected in the future.